LED Drivers|OS Electronics



LED Drivers



Product features

LED: Light Emitting Diode

 * Low power consumption


  * High luminous efficiency


  * Long life, fast response speed


  * High degree of design freedom


    for color and brightness control


 * Visible light communication


onsemi LED Driver Solution
AC-DC LED driver DC-DC LED driver Linear LED driver

Buck, Boost,


Buck-boost AC-DC


LED drivers

Buck, Boost,


Buck-boost &


Charge pump  DC-DC


LED drivers

Buck, Boost,


Buck-boost &


Inductive boost 


LED drivers &


Constant current




LED Driver: NCV7685
ü12 ports of independent current output (Out1-Out12)
üAll 12 ports supports maximum 60mA
üIndependent duty control for each of the 12 ports
üSW frequencies150/300/600/1200Hz
üLED diagnostic function
üLow dropout operation for pre-regulator applications
üVoltage reference 3.3V
üCRC8 error detection on I2C interface
üOutput enable
üDetection against open load and under voltage
üPackage grades for Automotive (and  special uses)

      => AEC-Q101 qualified and PPAP capable


üSSOP24-EP package


Operation Modes



 - Dashboard applications


 - Fog lights


 - Rear Combination Lamp (RCL)


 - Daytime Running LampDRL)


 - Room lamp


Industrial Lighting Roadmap


Competitive Advantage



NCL2801 –  The best THD CrM PFC Controller
NCP13994 – HF LLC HB IC which can provide
                      ultra wide dimming range without flickering
NCL3x076 – <1% analog dimming QR/CCM Buck
                       with minimal BOM counts

NCP1680/1 – High efficiency CrM/CCM Totem pole Bridgeless PFC

NCL30159 – Smart Window driver optimal primary CP
                       and wide Dimming function

NCL38046 – Enable easy smart lighting driver design
                       with PWM dimming signal converter,
                       CC/CV amp and programmable CP function

NCP58920/1 – Int’ driver GaN enables higher Fsw &
                         power density design in PFC & LLC

NCL2802 – Interleaved CrM PFC for ultra Low THD



NCP1945 – Low THD and high frequency QR PWM Combo IC 


Automotive Lighting Roadmap



Product List